Building a real estate portfolio through intuition and ancestral wisdom — Wealthy Money Blog
Building a real estate portfolio through intuition and ancestral wisdom

Building a real estate portfolio through intuition and ancestral wisdom

In this week’s podcast we talk to Tinyiko Motileni, who has 3 businesses, one of which is a property business. She also has a Master’s in Business Leadership.

She didn’t even know there was anything like real estate. She just wanted to have a side hustle, make money and buy property. Her main aim with property was to be free and to have passive income.

She bought her first house at 24, she bought her house to get passive income by building a property in the back. Unfortunately, her mom passed on in the same year; at work they asked her to move to a different city (East London), so she ended up renting the whole property and she charged her tenant enough money to pay her mortgage because she didn’t know enough about property investing.

When she moved to East London, she decided to buy a house, using the rental budget her employer was giving her. She ended up buying her property with her partner at that time and when they broke up, she ended up losing the house.

When she moved back home, she started researching township properties and he asked her to buy his house; she took all her savings and bought the house and built 5 rooms and asked her brother to help her tenant them.

He father had left, so she decided to utilize the land and started farming; she realize that her mother had built rooms on the farm, so she started to rent out those rooms.

Through trial and error, she was able to learn that her cash crop is spinach.

She bought her properties cash and is only left with 2 years to complete payment for one of the properties.

In this podcast, Tinyiko also explains how she is building her business with her ancestral gifts and how everything she is doing is guided and for the next generation.

This is another incredible podcast.

Click on the episode below and leave us a comment on the comments section

Book that inspired Tinyiko:

“Who moved my cheese” by Spencer Johnson

“The monk who sold his Ferrari” by Robin Sharma


Youtube: Women leadership in male dominated industries

Facebook: Tinyiko Motileni

Linked In: Tinyiko Motileni

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